Hey there,

Its me, a wife, a mom an aunt and so much more! I am very family based. On a Friday night, when I'm not out creating magic with all of my amazing clients you can find me curled up with my daughter, son husband and our rambunctious adorable fur babies. My love for photography and photographs began as a young girl, my grandpa and I would stay up until the crack of dawn looking through family photos. It is crazy how a story can be captured in one photo isn't it!? So that is why I am here, doing what I love and capturing so many stories for you to hold onto and pass down from generation, to generation.

Every individual & Love story deserves to be captured! I am LGBTQ and body positive!

Photo credit- Wandering Mae Photography

My Why,

I met this handsome man, in high school, for me it was love at first sight.. like really I low key stalked him from the balcony of our high school. Our first "date" was spent at a local park, where I kid you not, we awkwardly made small talk and sat on opposite sides of the bench, EEk! He asked me to the movies the following weekend, there we were sitting in the movie theater watching The Devil Inside (who else loves a good horror movie!?) Just as he was going to ask me to be his girlfriend, a dog started barking in the movie and made him jump! I still give him a hard time about it to this day. That is where our love story began.

We dated for four amazing years and he finally popped the big question! Shortly after we had found out we were expecting our little girl. One of my biggest dreams in life was to become a mama, and now I have the most beautiful, caring, wild six year old that has made me who I am today. We recently added our adorable son to our family, going from a little family of 3 to a family of 4. He is such a light to this world and watching big sister with him melts my heart everyday! My Little family will forever be my "why" in life and business.